SUP Race
No te pierdas la 5º edición del evento internacional Sancti Petri SUP Race del 9 al 11 de mayo en la playa de La Barrosa. Competición puntuable para el EuroTour y el circuito andaluz Costa del SUP

For the first time in history, the 2024 ICF SUP World Championships were held in the United States, with Sarasota, Florida, serving as the host city.

Ya tienes disponible Up#46, nuestra revista digital gratuita de Stand Up Paddle y Foil con información a nivel nacional e internacional

Announced as clear favorite, Ludovic Teulade accomplished all his goals: give it his all in every race, have fun…and win.

Candice Appleby liderará esta nueva comisión de Stand Up Paddle de la ISA para seguir potenciando el crecimiento mundial de este deporte

Summary of what will be the new edition of the ISA World SUP & Paddelboard Championship with the city of Copenhagen as venue

The Pan American Surf Association (PASA) is pleased to announce that the XVII edition of the PASA Pan American Surf Games will be held from October 2 to 13, 2024 at the High Performance Surf Center in Punta Rocas, Lima, Peru.

Paddleboard passion meets purpose: The Goat Boater, Megan Cynowa and the Success of Dam 2 Dam

The RST Air arrives, SIC’s new inflatable board made with its new Fusion Lite Welded technology and ideal for all kinds of adventures.

For the first time in the race’s history, a solo female paddler finished the 425km (264-mile) Texas Water Safari on a SUP board

The third stop of the EuroTour 2024 arrived in Sancti Petri, under a spectacular weekend on the wonderful coast of Cadiz.