No te pierdas la 5º edición del evento internacional Sancti Petri SUP Race del 9 al 11 de mayo en la playa de La Barrosa. Competición puntuable para el EuroTour y el circuito andaluz Costa del SUP
The third stop of the EuroTour 2024 arrived in Sancti Petri, under a spectacular weekend on the wonderful coast of Cadiz.
Arthur Arutkin and Alba Frey, winners of the Gran Canaria PRO 2023 SUP Race, a scoring event for the EuroTour
After 3 events out 13, the EuroTour 2023 is shaping out to be our biggest one yet.
The 4th edition of the World SUP Festival was a spectacle, hosting EuroTour and App World Tour competitions in the same weekend
Noïc Garioud and Esperanza Barreras winners of the seventh edition of the Sevilla SUP Festival
Look at the interview with Martin Müller, the Battle for Hercules organiser, where we offer you more information about this great event.
Los días 8 y 9 de Abril se disputará la Battle For Hercules, el primer evento internacional de SUP y Surfski en la bella ciudad de Ceuta